Getting Ready to Roll

It’s that time of year again.  Things are starting to warm up, and dry out, which means that I’m preparing for another cross country motorcycle adventure.  This year I’ll be leaving the tent trailer behind for a small tent and a small amount of camping gear.  I have a few people I will be visiting but other than that, I really don’t have any set plans.  SO – if there’s some place that you think is worth the trip, or even someplace that you always wanted to go but never did, let me know and I’ll see what I can do to get there and write about the experience.  No ferry boats to Cuba!!

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Giving my back and BACK-SIDE a break. The stock shock absorbers on this bike were supposed to be top notch. Well - notch so much.... This upgrade should make a WORLD of difference.

Giving my back and BACK-SIDE a break. The stock shock absorbers on this bike were supposed to be top notch. Well – notch so much…. This upgrade should make a WORLD of difference.


2 thoughts on “Getting Ready to Roll

  1. Off on your next adventure. Fun. Have a safe trip. 🏍💨. We’ll be following your adventures. Big hugs– Prairie 🦁✨💖

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